My Office is Ticketing Bad Parkers 

Kinja'd!!! "TysMagic" (twjeffery)
11/11/2016 at 16:43 • Filed to: None

Kinja'd!!!7 Kinja'd!!! 15

It’s a beautiful day for street justice. My office property management has decided to start tossing out tickets to the double parkers.

I first saw a ticket on a Taurus, but this guy fits the stereotype best




Kinja'd!!! Boosted2k - I Make Videos and Put Them on YouTube > TysMagic
11/11/2016 at 16:53



Kinja'd!!! TysMagic > Boosted2k - I Make Videos and Put Them on YouTube
11/11/2016 at 17:00


it does have a really nice mild metallic speck in the paint that looks sweet in the sunshine. I’ll give him that

Kinja'd!!! DynamicWeight > TysMagic
11/11/2016 at 17:09


If this is in the back corner of a lot, which it seems to be, why does it bother you? It seems fine. I get it when people park across handicap spaces or block someone in or take more than one space next to the door. But he isn’t harming anyone. Blind rule following bothers me.

Again, if this is a place that fills up with other parkers, feel free to ignore my rant.

Kinja'd!!! TylerLinner > DynamicWeight
11/11/2016 at 17:11


If the second space he’s taking up is never used by anyone else, there’s no reason for him to go out of his way to break the rules and take more than his fair share. He could just as easily park close to the grassy curb and avoid most dings anyway.

Kinja'd!!! Urambo Tauro > TysMagic
11/11/2016 at 17:11


This should be more of a thing. Maybe give shopping cart fetchers (is that the proper term?) authority to issue such tickets? But only enforce the spots closest to the building?

I dunno. I think it’s just sad that some people need consequences to persuade them to do the right thing.

Kinja'd!!! DynamicWeight > TylerLinner
11/11/2016 at 17:21


Meh, I think it’s harder to back in between the lines than it is to just park in the corner, especially when there are no cars for reference. It makes it a little easier to park to just shwoop in. I’m not saying it’s like impossibly hard, but if you’re not hurting anyone, why bother with the annoyance. He wants to park far away from everyone because parking around people is annoying. Just let him be. No need to be nit picky “You’ve technically violated the rules and taken something that no one else wanted or would have used”

When I still drove to my office it was like this. I found a nice little part of the parking lot no one parked in. Then when people saw me parking there they flocked to it and now there are a bunch of cars there. It’s goddam annoying. I just want to park by myself and there is plenty of room for everyone not to park next to each other but everyone crowds around each other anyway. So annoying.

And yes, this is all nit picky bullshit, but so is taking a picture of a “bad parker” and posting it on the internet.

Kinja'd!!! TylerLinner > DynamicWeight
11/11/2016 at 17:25


I personally take pride in parking well and strive for a clean park job. Straight in the space, centered, wheels straight, not overhanging the curb. I see the above as lazy and sloppy. The point is mostly moot if it’s an empty lot, but again. If it’s an empty lot, he is still putting effort into taking up two spots.

Kinja'd!!! TysMagic > DynamicWeight
11/11/2016 at 17:26


The posting was more because they’re giving out tickets than the bad parking. I see this guy every day so he just blends at this point.

While this is a back-ish lot, it’s still heavily populated and people use the surrounding spots. He’s got to go over a couple more rows to where I’m at to get the all by yourself parking experience. Plus all the extra steps on the fitness band walking in!

Kinja'd!!! TysMagic > Urambo Tauro
11/11/2016 at 17:27


I think they’re just warning tickets, but I like that line of thinking.

Kinja'd!!! Urambo Tauro > DynamicWeight
11/11/2016 at 17:28


I think it’s harder to back in between the lines than it is to just park in the corner, especially when there are no cars for reference. It makes it a little easier to park to just shwoop in.

Using other cars for parking reference is unreliable at best. The painted lines give the most definitive answer to the quality of one’s parking job. Visualizing where those lines are is just... *shrug* ...part of the task of driving, like visualizing where your own car’s bumpers and wheels are.

Kinja'd!!! DynamicWeight > TylerLinner
11/11/2016 at 17:39


A place for everything and everything in it’s place huh? I can relate.

Kinja'd!!! DynamicWeight > TysMagic
11/11/2016 at 17:40


Ah, yeah, if people are using the surrounding spots that’s a dickish thing to do.

Kinja'd!!! Urambo Tauro > TysMagic
11/11/2016 at 17:41


Yeah, the more I think about it, it would have to be done on a case-by case basis.

Some parking lots are filled to capacity every work day, and really ought to be strictly enforced. Other parking lots only fill up half-way unless it’s the holiday shopping season. Parking in the back of those could be more of a no harm, no foul  kind of thing.

Kinja'd!!! Tripper > TysMagic
11/11/2016 at 17:47


Haha wow, I would purposely start parking like a jerkoff if my office did that.


Kinja'd!!! Orange Exige > TysMagic
11/11/2016 at 21:42


I got a “ticket” at work for my parking once because my car was obstructing the driving lane - that is, it was sticking out of the spot a little.

I have little car syndrome. I back into a spot and then (sometimes) pull forward if I need to straighten out, all the way to the front of the spot. I never back all the way to the curb.